Well formulated strategy along with optimum time management is the only way to prepare for the UPSC exam. So it's very important to formulate your own strategy as it pays to be yourself.
Guidance, strategies, and skills are as important as knowledge to clear UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE). EAGLE IAS ACADEMY has developed various techniques to clear the IAS exam with ease. Some of them:
Before starting preparation you should go through the Syllabus of both prelims and mains exam. Further a candidate should go through the past few year’s questions papers of both prelims and main exam.
Strengthen your foundation: No matter what your background is, you need to understand the basics of the core subjects of the UPSC syllabus. NCERT textbooks from Class 6-12 are quintessential in UPSC exam Preparation. These are the basic books upon which information other sources can be utilized.
It is advised not to go through a lot of books, instead rely on one standard book on each topic which deals with the basic concepts. Standard books not only save your time but also enrich you with right knowledge.
Prepare short notes of important topics with relevant points and always rely on your
Self-prepared notes.
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